Team Rajkot led by Mr. Mahendra Popat, Zonal Secretary on 27th June, 2023, have concluded Structured Meeting with Regional Authorities of Bhuj Region with a very positive note..
From Management side, RM Shri Meena ji, HR CM Shri Solanki ji have participated. Team AIBOBOA was represented by ZS Shri Mahendra Popat, ZP Shri Suresh Bhimani, RS Shri Suraj ji, RP Shri Naimish & Jt. Secretary Shri Dushyant. Team have discussed all the issues concerning to our fraternity and resolved with win win situation at both levels
Team also had cluster meetings with members and other officers at Vijaynagar, College Road, Madhapar, SMS & SMELF during their Bhuj Region visit.