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Know all about Association

  • MAJORITY ASSOCIATION:  AIBOBOA is the Majority Association with MORE THAN 24000 DULY VERIFIED MEMBERSHIIP &THE ONLY RECOGNISED Association for officers in BOB, thus the sole bargaining body.

  • TIME TESTED AND REGISTERED TRADE UNION:  AIBOBOA was founded in pre- nationalization era in 1964 and is most proficient & time-tested Association of the Banking Industry as well as in Bank of Baroda. It is affiliated to INTUC, the biggest trade union body of our country with membership of 3.2 crores.

  • PROVIDING SAFETY AND PROTECTION TO OFFICERS: AIBOBOA safeguards officers when error / omissions / mistake occurs during the course of discharging duties through Association's experienced and Trained Defence representatives. Also, hand holds the officers during their difficult times and provide them comforts and mental strength.

  • CONSULTATION WITH BANK   ON VARIOUS HR POLICIES:   Because of majority Association, Bank consults us on important HR Policies, like Transfer Policy, Promotion Policy etc. where our leadership discusses and negotiates for best suitable policies for officers and Bank.

  • EXCLUSIVE PLATFORM FOR BILATERAL DISCUSSIONS: AIBOBOA enjoys exclusive formal system of bilateral discussions on various issues/concerns/Service matters of officers’ community at all levels i.e., at BCC, at Zonal offices and at Regional offices and holds periodic (6 monthly) STRUCTURED MEETING with Management.

  • PAN INDIA PRESENCE WITH SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR OFFICERS: AIBOBOA exists at all corner of the country and providing needed support to primary members all over the country through the well- established platforms and office bearers as and when needed, particularly during Inter Zonal Transfers, Inter Region Transfers etc through the well-established Association's platforms in all Zones.

  • ESCORT WELFARE SCHEME FOR FAMILIES OF OFFICERS WHO DIE IN HARNESS: Through our well-known ESCORT SCHEME, AIBOBOA (having ESCORT membership of 27000+) provides financial support of more than Rs. 27 Lakhs to the family of officers, who unfortunately die in harness. We also help the survivors for various claim settlements along with COMPASIONATE APPOINTMENT as per eligibility under Bank Scheme. Additionally, an IMMEDIATE  FINANCIAL SUPPORT OF RS 50000/- is provided to dependent members of family of officers who die in distress.

  • EXPERIENCED AND CAPABLE LEADERSHIP: Both the central leaders, General Secretary Mr. Prem Kumar Makker and all India president Sri R K Chatterjee (DADA), are most capable and experienced leaders, both have served as Director on the Board of Bank of Baroda. Mr. Makker is GENERAL SECRETARY and Mr. Chatterjee is PRESIDENT OF INBOC also & are signatory to wage revision settlement and represent our interest at the industry level in meeting with IBA as UFBU Constituent.

  • FUNCTIONAL LEARNING CENTRE (KK NAIR LEARNING CENTRE), ASSOCIATION OFFICES AND GUEST HOUSES FOR OFFICERS: AIBOBOA has established its OWN LEARNING CENTRE at Rajendra Bhavan, Rajendra Bhavan, Rajindra Place, New Delhi for upgrading the skills and leadership quality of officers/office bearers through trainings and workshops. BANK HAS PROVIDED OFFICES to OUR Association in most of the zones. We have also ESTIBLISHED GUEST HOUSES / OFFICES at more than 5 centres and few more are in process.

  • GENERATION SHIFT & LEADERSHIP TRANSITION/ PARTICIPATIVE & DEMOCRATIC FUNCTIONING: We have inducted younger generation in Leadership. AIBOBOA not only believes but also provides platform to youngsters, who accept responsibilities as future leaders at Central, Zonal and Regional level. Most of the Leaders at Zonal/Regional level are very young officers. AIBOBOA has already started process of formation of ladies wings in all the Zones to support lady officers.

  • EFFICIENT AND SUPPORTIVE OFFICE BEARERS: We are having about 1500 Office Bearers/committee members for various positions at Central / Zonal and Regional Committees and who are available to provide guidance and help to members.

  • INTERACTIONS WITH MEMBERS AT REGULAR INTERVALS:  We have been holding General Body meetings at Zonal and Regional Head Quarters. Members get an opportunity to interact with the Leaders of the Association and share their grievances. We also held large number online meetings on Zoom platform during Covid period, during which community services were also undertaken by the Association.


We are conscious of our responsibility and have always taken up genuine grievances of officers with Management, including instances of INJUSTICE/DISCRIMINATION, DENIAL OF RIGHTFUL ENTITLEMENTS, DENIAL OF LEAVE  MISHEAVIOUR, HUMILIATION ETC. and got it redressed quickly.


Dear Friends, We, in the interest of officer’s fraternity, seek your support for attaining our mission





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