AIBOBOA had launched a unique scheme namely ESCORT in the year 1995 as a token of CARE & CONCERN for the dependents of those Officers/Executive colleagues who unfortunately die in harness; following the principle of “The greater consolation for the loss of the dead is found in the thinking of the living left behind.” The scheme started with a contribution of Rs 20/- which was increased to 50/ in the previous years and now increased to 100/- per member w.e.f. 01.01.2024. We pray to almighty God to give long life to our officer colleagues; however, in case of unfortunate incident a financial assistance of Rs.26 Lacs + is passed on to the bereaved family @ Rs 100/- per member per casualty effective from 01.01.2024.
Under the said scheme ESCORT, AIBOBOA, on 1st Sep 2024, Team Jaipur led by Mr Yashwant Bhardwaj, Zonal Secretary met the family of deceased officer & handed over the cheque of escort scheme to his nominee.