On 18.12.2024, 2nd Half yearly Regional structure meeting was conducted at Regional office Gwalior wherein team AIBOBOA was represented by .Mr. Vinod Negi Zonal secretary Bhopal zone, Mr. Saurabh Tiwari Regional secretary Gwalior region, Mr. Saurabh Yadav Regional President, Mr. Shoven Mondal committee member, Mr. Monish Khubchandani committee member and Mrs. Anshika Namdeo committee member Many issues concerning officers were discussed to its logical conclusion.
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Registered under Indian Trade Union Act 1926 & Recognised by Bank
(Affiliated to INBOC / INTUC)
3, Walchand Hirachand Marg, Ballard Pier, MUMBAI - 400001
Email : aiboboa1964@gmail.com
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