On 23.12.2024, Regional Structured Meeting at VALSAD Region was held with Team AIBOBOA and Regional Management wherein the Association was represented by Mr. Sanjeev Kumar Jha (Zonal Secretary), Mr.Kamlesh Bachhav (Zonal President), Mr. Himanshu Gaur, (Regional Secretary), Mr. Naval Kishor Tiwari (Zonal Committee Member), Mr. Nitesh Sharma (Regional President), Mrs. Malati Jadhav (Vice Regional President ) & Mr. Amit Mishra (Joint Regional Secretary)
Team had threadbare discussion on issues of officers like Acute Shortage of Manpower, Various operational issues like R-menu, Provision of gold testing machine at Branches, and all issues concerning officers fraternity. We have received a positive response from the Management side for the amicable solution of issues raised. The region is functioning well in a conducive environment and Regional Head has appealed for business growth without compromising compliance.