Team Jaipur led by Mr Yeshwant Bhardwaj, Zonal Secretary have organised an impressive General body meeting was held on 21.08.2023 at Bikaner and Jhunjhunu respectively. the structured meeting was also held between team AIBOBOA and Regional Managements of both regions.
Zonal president Sh. Praveen Singh Deora, regional committee of Bikaner and Jhunjhunu and more than 100 officers participated at jhunjhunu and bikaner respectively.
Many organisational issues were discussed in detail, it was the first structure meeting at jhunjhunu after last year's incident. Team AIBOBOA was satisfied with the approach of current management and assured them of full support for the development of business and growth of our bank.
We have also completed the team of Bikaner Region, and we are happy that In general body itself more then 10 officers showed their interest to work for the organisation as a committee member.
We are planning to hold more meetings in all regions shortly.
Friends grassroot strengthening is our target at all centers, we would like that more such people who want to work for welfare cause should come forward.
We also want to thank the Regional Management of Bikaner and Jhunjhunu RM Sh. Anil Maheshwari ji and Sh. Dinesh Arya ji for their positive and employees friendly attitude and good work.