Meeting of Office Bearers and Committee Members of Indian National Bank Officers' Congress (INBOC) All India Body & State Bodies was held on 13th August, 2022 on Zoom Cloud which was attended by representatives of all affiliates of INBOC. Sh. C.R. Kansal, SVP, INBOC formally initiated the meeting. Before start of formal business, the house observed a silence of 2 minutes to pay homage to Sh. K.K Nair, former GS, INBOC & Sh. Shantha Kumar, SVP, INBOC, our veteran leaders who left for heavenly abode in the recent past. Their contribution to INBOC & UFBU will be fondly remembered.
General Secretary Sh. Prem Kumar Makker initiated the discussions on the agenda followed by Sh. R. K.Chatterjee, the Working President talking on organizational matters. From affiliates Sh. Nagesh Dande (Central Bank), Sh. J.S.Rao (Central Bank), Sh. Bhaskar Rao (Union Bank), Sh. Prakash Soni (Gramin Bank), Sh. C.R.Kansal (Canara Bank), Sh. Sunil Padhye (Bank of Baroda), Sh. Prem Chand Kumar (Indian Bank) & Sh. Kuldip Rawat (Nainital Bank) took part in the discussions on agenda items and decided to prepare Charter of demands at the earliest possible & to hold next conference during Nov/Dec 2022 preceded by Meeting of General Secretaries at some common convenient Place. The house unanimously adopted the resolution to nominate Sh. R.K.Chatterjee, Working President as President of INBOC (All India Body).