AIBOBOA have launched a unique scheme namely ESCORT in the year 1995 as a token of CARE & CONCERN for the dependents of those Officers/Executive colleagues who unfortunately die in harness; following the principle of “The greater consolation for the loss of the dead is found in the thinking of the living left behind.” The scheme started with a contribution of Rs 20/- which was increased to 50/ in the previous years and now increased to 100/- per member w.e.f. 01.01.2024. We pray to almighty God to give long life to our officer colleagues; however, in case of unfortunate incident a financial assistance of Rs.26 Lacs + is passed on to the bereaved family @ Rs 100/- per member per casualty effective from 01.01.2024.
Under the said scheme ESCORT, AIBOBOA Zonal Secretary Mr. LBN Prabhu of Ernakulam Zone has handed over a DD of Rs 2677200.00 (Rupees Twenty six lac seventy thousand two hundred only) today on 26.08.2024 at Trivandrum to the family of deceased officer in the presence of Regional Head , Trivandrum and all staff members.